October 22, 2013
Rail Corp

RailCorp, NSW

ASR conducted an internal customer satisfaction survey for RailCorp Property Division. RailCorp runs the CBD and regional train network in the greater Sydney area. The division provides a range of services to RailCorp including facilities maintenance, accommodation planning, access, property acquisition and disposal as well as land information and property […]
October 22, 2013
Port of Melbourne

Port of Melbourne customer satisfaction survey

PoMC engaged Australian Survey Research to conduct a satisfaction survey of its larger customers across a range of segments including organisations working in the port such as stevedores, freight forwarders and transport companies as well as cargo owners’ peak body representatives. The research study focused on perceptions of PoMC’s commercial […]
October 22, 2013
Royal ANZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Royal ANZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

We have just completed a workforce study of fellows, retired fellows and trainees in Australia and New Zealand. This was conducted on paper and on the web and involved analysis of current and future practice options as well as a one week log of activities. We have also completed a […]
October 21, 2013
Detainee visitors

DIAC Update of detainee visitor procedures

This project was initiated as a result of the recommendations within the Palmer and Comrie reports. ASR sought feedback from detainee advocates, detainees and their visitors (mostly family and friends and others providing services such as legal and religious bodies) as well as DIAC staff and service providers about visitor […]
October 21, 2013
Immigration affairs

DIAC Client service discovery exercise

ASR conducted a discovery exercise for the Client Information Taskforce in November 2005. The objective was to inform ASR of the context of DIAC’s clients and why and how they interact with the department and its various agents (also called third parties). This discovery phase was also a way of […]
October 21, 2013
Student visa holders

DIAC Service of student visa holders

The project involved seeking feedback from current student visa holders about DIAC’s current client service and possible improvements. With the assistance of DIAC Client Service staff, ASR arranged and conducted: Interviews of education related peak bodies and providers; Focus groups with DIAC staff involved with the student visa program; Focus […]
October 21, 2013
ICT user satisfaction

DIAC ICT user satisfaction

ASR conducted internal client surveys for the department as part of an ongoing contract with DIAC’s Business Solutions Group. We assessed staff satisfaction with and perception of performance of DIAC’s out-sourced information and communication technology (ICT) providers: CSC and Optus. Every six months ASR surveyed a sample of DIAC’s workforce […]