October 21, 2013
Detainee visitors

DIAC Update of detainee visitor procedures

This project was initiated as a result of the recommendations within the Palmer and Comrie reports. ASR sought feedback from detainee advocates, detainees and their visitors (mostly family and friends and others providing services such as legal and religious bodies) as well as DIAC staff and service providers about visitor […]
October 21, 2013
Immigration affairs

DIAC Client service discovery exercise

ASR conducted a discovery exercise for the Client Information Taskforce in November 2005. The objective was to inform ASR of the context of DIAC’s clients and why and how they interact with the department and its various agents (also called third parties). This discovery phase was also a way of […]
October 21, 2013
Student visa holders

DIAC Service of student visa holders

The project involved seeking feedback from current student visa holders about DIAC’s current client service and possible improvements. With the assistance of DIAC Client Service staff, ASR arranged and conducted: Interviews of education related peak bodies and providers; Focus groups with DIAC staff involved with the student visa program; Focus […]
October 21, 2013
ICT user satisfaction

DIAC ICT user satisfaction

ASR conducted internal client surveys for the department as part of an ongoing contract with DIAC’s Business Solutions Group. We assessed staff satisfaction with and perception of performance of DIAC’s out-sourced information and communication technology (ICT) providers: CSC and Optus. Every six months ASR surveyed a sample of DIAC’s workforce […]
October 21, 2013
Working holiday makers

DIAC Former working holiday makers

ASR conducted an international web survey of over 100,000 former working holiday makers (WHM) covering 55 contries. The project collected information about why WHM’s visited Australia, where they visited and the jobs they performed while in Australia, any skills or education they have obtained during their visit as well as […]
October 21, 2013
Christmas Island detainees

DIAC Detainee experiences in detention

Building on the visitor study, ASR worked with DIAC detention services staff to develop a research program to explore detainees’ current experiences while in different forms of detention. The research project focused on Darwin, Villawood and Maribyrnong detention centres. Detainee advocates and service providers, including two health professionals, DIAC detention […]
October 21, 2013
Living in harmony

DIAC Living in harmony

The Australian Government established the Living in Harmony program in 1998 as an anti-racism initiative and it has been managed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. The objectives of the program were/are to address issues of cultural, racial and religious intolerance by promoting respect, fairness, inclusion and a sense […]
October 21, 2013
Boat people off Christmas Island

DIAC Irregular maritime arrivals (IMA) experiences in detention

DIAC engaged the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and ASR to conduct research of IMAs’ experiences in detention facilities throughout Australia. ASR conducted the fieldwork component of the project with IMA’s in detention centres located in Christmas Island, Curtin (WA), Inverbrackie (SA), MITA (VIC), NIDC (NT), Wickham Point (NT), […]