Record limit
Unlimited number of employees, positions, courses, externals and competencies
Employee records
Unique code; given, family and preferred names; organizational unit; position; address, phone, fax, mobile/cellphone, email; competencies held and needed; CompTrack training history and training assigned; non-CompTrack training history; qualifications; career plan; training assessments; costs
Position records
Can be assigned to individuals or multiple employees; competencies required; KRAs/KPIs and tasks; other free text required for position description; successors; background/experience
Course records
Course level holds default information for schedules including competencies; duration; max registrations; expiration timing; category; wait list; evaluation questionnaire; number of assessments
Course schedule level holds instance start/end dates and start/end times; trainee registrations; assigned trainers; to do list; room/venue bookings; costs; assessment results; course evaluation responses; accreditation; correspondence (confirmation, name tags/plates, certificates, emailing, etc)
External records
Trainee holds name and contact details; organization; competencies; CompTrack training history; non-CompTrack training history
Trainer holds name and contact details; organization; qualifications; CompTrack delivery history
Trainer holds name and contact details; organization; qualifications; CompTrack delivery history
Dictionary can hold up to nine levels in a tree structure; each competency has a unique code, descriptor and two notes fields; up to 99 levels of rating available for each competency; positions can hold competencies with a range (eg 1-3), must have/not have or essential attributes
1:1 - any record type with another record type, eg, employee to position
1: many - any record type with all records in another type, eg, one employee against all positions
1: many - any record type with all records in another type, eg, one employee against all positions
CompTrack is a hybrid client/server - web application, built in Gupta and MTS/ASP. It is scalable from a single PC to thousands of networked PC's. Online (Intranet/Internet) functions are accessible through normal web browsers. Emails work through a MAPI client using SMTP.
SQLServer, Oracle and SQLBase
Web server
Microsoft IIS or equivalent, running MTS/ASP
User PC requirements
Standalone mode or workstation, IBM/compatible Pentium 90 or above, 32 Mb RAM and 100 Mb hard disk space, Win 3.1x, Win 95, Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP with Netscape (version 6 or above) or Internet Exploroer (version 4 or above) web browser