With SurveyManager, you collect the information and insight you need to take action, grow your business and thrive.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
The most important measure of a company’s success is the satisfaction of its customers. As the MR Manager, you need to know how well you organisation’s products and services meet, exceed or fall short of your customers expectations.
Because customer satisfaction is fundamental to business, and also to government entities, there are many theories, models, and questionnaires developed to measure it. Specific examples are Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs and Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer satisfaction can be measured at different times by:
- Post-purchase evaluations
- Periodic satisfaction surveys
- Continuous satisfaction tracking
Each customer satisfaction survey can produce meaningful and useful results and is appropriate for different situations, uses and needs. SurveyManager can hold and administer them all.
Net Promoter Score
Discover what’s behind yes, no or maybe when it comes to recommendations. The Net Promoter Score allows you to gauge customer loyalty. According to industry standards, a 0 -10 scale is used to ask customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service. A score is automatically determined based on the percentage of promoters less the percent of detractors.
Voice of the Customer (VOC)
Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a term that describes your customer’s feedback about their experiences with and expectations for your products or services.
Listening to and understanding the voice of the customer is crucial to restoring consumer trust in businesses and building customer loyalty, engagement and advocacy. Aside from just creating an exciting brand, companies today must be aligning their communications and product delivery with higher customer values. They must also set up a formal VOC program and actively be collecting, managing and acting on customer feedback, which includes:
- Their needs and wants
- The ordered importance of features and benefits associated with your product or service
- The expectations and promises that are both fulfilled and unfulfilled by your product or service
- What would give them increased satisfaction.
Measuring Customer Loyalty
This is a variant of customer satisfaction and has its own devotees. The questions and analysis varies slightly from traditional customer satisfaction surveys but once again SurveyManager can run them all.
Brand Tracking
Measure the awareness and usage of your brand. Find out if people know of your brand and if existing customers will come back.
Customer Panels
Use SurveyManager’s panel management features to maintain a community of customers who you can reach out to regularly for programmed research and quickly if an ad hoc need arises. This saves time and money, and can provide your Senior Management Team with customer feedback in a crisis.
Updating your CRM
Many companies have a significant investment in their CRM system. But over time the contact details of older customers get out of date. With SurveyManager you can upload a customer extract from your CRM, survey them to update their details – and perhaps combine this with an offer to old/infrequent customers as an incentive. Then you can extract the survey data from SurveyManager back into your CRM.
Product/Service Feasibility Studies
Conduct a survey to determine if your new idea has a market and what its price points are. It is much cheaper to do this online or partially online.
Campaign Management
Use our panel management features to track individuals and companies before, during and after a campaign. Contact them by email and/or SMS.
Build social media strategies and campaigns
With the increasing importance of social media in many companies’ marketing mix, online surveys are a great way to determine out which social media channels you need to pay attention to. Likes and retweets only tell you so much. Our mobile surveys help you understand the “why” and give you more data on how to serve your market.
Use an online or mobile survey in combination with Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter to find out how people want you to communicate with them in future.
Mystery shopping
Use our Smartphone surveys for mobile and immediate feedback.
Audience participation
Use our Smartphone surveys for mobile and immediate feedback.
Advanced Analysis
Use SurveyManager’s reporting features slice, dice, and drill deep into your data. Or export into other packages through our ‘easy export’ function.
Questionnaire Templates
Get a head start with our sample questionnaire templates. You can alter these to suit your needs and obtain our professional advice as well.