ASR conducted a discovery exercise for the Client Information Taskforce in November 2005. The objective was to inform ASR of the context of DIAC’s clients and why and how they interact with the department and its various agents (also called third parties). This discovery phase was also a way of understanding DIAC’s priorities in relation to clients, particularly in light of the Palmer and Comrie reports, and what is currently being done and could be done within the department about understanding clients’ experiences with DIAC.
During this discovery exercise, ASR staff (Dr David Willcox and Tricia Deasy) with the assistance of Dr Leanne Blackley met with a range of DIAC managers. Our brief was to focus on immigration with less emphasis on multicultural affairs. Indigenous Affairs was outside the scope of the brief.
Our report recommended a way of prioritising and segmenting the departments numerous client groups as well as suggesting a range of ongoing projects, several of which ASR is currently implementing.