In partnership with the WRDI Institute, ASR has developed a state of the art Human Capital Report (HCR) which provides business-focused metrics and dash board indicators linking people and results. We can explore your employees’ perceptions of the value proposition of working for your organisation – what attracts them and why do they stay.
The HCR is based on three core data sources:
- Employee self-reported attitudes or perceptions collected using a structured and validated instrument.
- Human resource management information system (payroll, performance management, skill and training and development systems, etc)
- Organisational processes such as remuneration adjustments, safety statistics, quality statistics as well as production volumes
By drawing together three types of Human Capital data (see People Data Cube), of the right measures (i.e., based on empirical research), we provide a sound, integrated and comprehensive data platform, taking workforce analysis and reporting to the next level of sophistication.
By combining these three data sources we can deliver insights about your workforce which create business value while reducing turnover risk and costs. This integrated data analysis and Human Capital Report delivers significantly more value than a typical employee survey report.
Results can be produced at business unit or branch level, job level, or any other demographic of client choice. Graduates, new recruits and high potential employees are three perfect examples.
We use the Workplace Relationship Development Indicator (WRDI®), a diagnostic engagement and retention survey, based on a validated model of the psychological contract between employers and employees. Using this tool we are able to quantify engagement and retention risk and associated bottom line impacts. The WRDI® survey uncovers those organizational, workplace, and individual factors which lead to engagement and retention over the employment life cycle.
The WRDI® can be combined with elements of your existing employee survey:
- The workforce analytics generated from the data collected provide answers to the following typical questions:
- How many of your people (including key talent, high performers, and high potentials) are likely to leave? And what will it cost you?
- Where are the disengagement and retention risk hot spots in your organization (e.g., by business unit, job level, gender, age)?
- Do you have the leadership capabilities you need to succeed?
- Has expenditure in training and development provided enhanced competencies and performance or reduced retention/turnover risk?
- Is increased pay resulting in increased effort?
- Which competencies are linked to higher performance?
- Is turnover due to push (ie, perceived dysfunctional organizational factors), pull (better deals elsewhere), or personal reasons?
- Is the retention risk of your high performers and potentials increasing or decreasing over time