ASR does qualitative research as well as quantitative research. In recent examples:
- Our team worked with the Social Policy Research Centre from UNSW, conducting face-to-face interviews with detainees (irregular maritime arrivals) across Australia’s immigration detention network, including Christmas Island. This was a large qualitative project that also required deft driving skills in avoiding the indigenous crab populations wandering across the island roads.
- We conducted seven stakeholder feedback projects for WorkCover NSW using qualitative depth interviewing, focus groups, phone and online surveys – these projects formed part of WorkCover’s program reviews.
- The Private Health Insurance Administration Council and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority commissioned us to obtain feedback from the businesses they regulate and other industry peak bodies – yes, of course, the response rates were excellent!
- ASR conducted focus groups, depth interviews and an online survey of visitors to Canberra’s athletics and cycling hub, Mt Stromlo Forest Park – We even obtained interview feedback from marathon champion Robert De Castella and cycling legend Stephen Hodge – no autographs were claimed as part of this project.