OnTrack Performance System is a comprehensive web-based software application that tracks all aspects of employee performance, including capabilities and competencies, KRAs and/or KPIs, development plans and assessments. Position descriptions are incorporated into the process.
Each employee and their immediate manager can easily input their own information. A summary activity screen informs managers at a glance what they have to do and what their employees have done. Employees have the opportunity to submit their plans and progress comments, which are then automatically presented to their manager for assessment or sign-off.
OnTrack uses standard Internet navigation and comes with built-in on-line help.
Performance cycle
The OnTrack performance management cycle includes:
- A position description (PD). This includes a competency or capability profile that an employee will be assessed against. PDs can be unique or generic (many employees assessed against the same profile).
- Performance plan and progress includes Key Result Areas (KRAs), as well as key actions and measures for each KRA. The progress against each KRA can be tracked.
- Development plan and progress.
- Assessment against KRAs, competencies and capabilities.
Assessments can be done yearly, half yearly or as often as required. Next year's performance management activities can be commenced before the current year is complete.
Using your terms
OnTrack has been developed using a common set of performance management terms. If your organisation uses different terms, the system administrator can adjust many of the labels, eg, replace KRAs with KPIs, or turn competencies into core values, or development into learning. With a few mouse clicks, you can make the software reflect your organisation's culture.
Recording comments and assessments
Employees and managers can record unlimited comments on KRA/KPI progress, evidence of competency demonstration and development progress, as well as overall comments for the end of a cycle. Optionally, employees can record their suggested ratings beside their manager's authorised rating.
Keeping track of activity status
Employees can then see what they have and have not done throughout the whole cycle for the current or future years. By simply clicking on the component, the employee is taken to that screen.
In addition, when an employee submits a component of the performance management activity for authorisation, eg, an update to their position description or performance plan, the manager is automatically sent an email advising that they need to authorise a change. This also happens in reverse, ie, when the manager has completed his/her authorisation, the employee is sent an advisory email.
Making it easy for managers
Managers see all the details of their direct and indirect reports, but not other parts of the organisation. By clicking on the direct report's name they are immediately taken to this employee's performance screens.
By a single mouse click, managers can view those employees who have/ have not completed different components of the performance cycle, and then drill down to individual details.
Employees’ performance management history travels with them, so a new manager can view all of their staff employees’ past performances.
HR dashboard
For the HR manager, there is a web dashboard which tracks what is happening across the whole process, together with organisation-wide reports of ratings by org units, rating movements, completion status of activities, etc. The HR manager can broadcast reminder emails and other messages from the dashboard according to individual and organisational requirements.
Security & access
Managers and employees can use their network login & passwords to access OnTrack and for electronic validation of entries they make into the system. This means they can access their private view of the system anywhere in the organisation.
Audit trails & previous years
Each employee and manager can see their previous years' plans, comments and assessments by simply choosing the relevant year from a drop down list. This means that audit trails can be maintained. Once a manager completes a final assessment, a snapshot of that year's data is taken and stored in the database. Previous years' data cannot be edited.
Audit trail reports are available for each performance management component, that is, who changed what and when.
Business rules & emphasis
- If required, KRAs, KPIs and competencies are entered in position description and KRAs automatically populate the performance plan. Additional goals can be added.
- One formal review (plus unlimited other formal or ad hoc reviews).
- The system is transparent. This means an employee can view what his/her manager writes about him/her.
- A manager tracks and reports in real time when any data is added deleted or edited. The change is then automatically flagged on an individual's status screen.
- A manager can see the data of all his/her direct and indirect reports, but cannot see the data of employees from other areas.
- HR has access to all information.
- Next year's performance and development plans can be prepared before the completion of this year's activities.
- The employee voluntarily completes feedback form after reviews are complete and manager can see these comments.
- An unlimited number of employees' records can be stored in OnTrack.
Sitting beside your payroll/HRIS
OnTrack has been designed to use your existing employee data. In other words, you do not have to load manually into OnTrack any employee details such as name, number, organisational unit, position title, etc. Your system administrator can upload from your payroll to OnTrack as and when you desire. As long as your employee data is electronic and the information is maintained in your Payroll/HR system, the two systems can be interfaced. However, it can also operate entirely separately.
Technical notes
OnTrack is a Microsoft .NET application running on IIS web server. For users, it runs on any Windows-compatible browser.
OnTrack runs on a SQL Server database. You may be able to use your existing licenses for the database.
Install it in-house or ASR can host it for you.