One environment for all your survey creation, distribution and management needs

SurveyManager can be used every time you need to collect information and/or opinions from people

SurveyManager provides everything you need to easily design, deploy and process questionnaires, quizzes, polls and electronic forms (eforms) across the enterprise to speed decisions and assist employees, supplier, stakeholders and customers. This quickly transforms cumbersome paper forms into fully interactive e-forms that directly connect to the applications that drive your business. This process improvement reduces costly errors, streamlines operations, and increases overall customer responsiveness.

SurveyManager Home Screen

SurveyManager Home Screen

The many uses of SurveyManager

  • Market research
  • Multi-rater and 360° surveys
  • Membership surveys
  • Panel/community management
  • Help desks/CRM
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Employee opinion/climate surveys
  • Benchmarking
  • Mystery shopping
  • Process control analysis
  • Inventory/asset tracking
  • Financial/sales tracking
  • Auditing of churches
  • Monitoring waste statistics
  • Student tracking
  • Administration of custom instruments
  • Union elections
More about Use and Users

Survey types

There are several ways that participants can be given access to a survey, based on different survey types:


  1. Anonymous: anyone can answer it.
  2. Anonymous with return later password: a user can nominate a password and finish the survey in multiple sessions.
  3. Anonymous with login codes: anonymous survey with unique login code, used for external distribution.
  4. Anonymous with global survey access code: anonymous survey with global password.



  1. Invitational: respondent must be loaded into the system before they can proceed into the survey.
  2. Invitational: 360° feedback/multi-rater with self assessment. Multi-rater feedback that comes from members of a respondent's immediate circle. Often, 360-degree feedback will include direct feedback from a respondent's subordinates, peers, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation.
  3. Invitational: 360° feedback/multi-rater without self assessment. Multi-rater feedback that comes from members of a respondent's immediate circle. Often, 360-degree feedback will include direct feedback from a respondent's subordinates, peers, and supervisor(s).
SurveyManager Survey Types Screen

SurveyManager Survey Types Screen

SurveyManager allows users to organise their work into a simple 4 tier hierarchy


The top tier.
All projects and surveys can be grouped under a client name.


A client can have many projects.


A project can have many surveys.

Sub surveys

A survey can have sub surveys

SurveyManager Survey Constructor

SurveyManager Survey Constructor

Survey and questionnaire design made simple

No programming by the user is needed to set up questionnaires in SurveyManager, be they simple or sophisticated.

At the same time the novice user can quickly become comfortable using the product, setting up a survey in a matter of hours.

Concomitantly, the product has advanced features for the power user which are available as needed.

The design of the survey tool allows users to set up and manage surveys of different types. Surveys can be configured in a number of ways and you can save as many different surveys as you like.

Survey and question library functions are an important feature of SurveyManager. You can:

  • Establish a survey library
  • Set up survey categories in the library
  • Add questions for the survey under each category
  • Build surveys combining categories
  • Copy and an existing survey for adaptation or reuse

Multilingual questionnaires

Surveys can be run in different languages, including right-to-left languages such as Arabic and all of the 273 Unicode languages.

The Unicode Standard is a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages and technical disciplines of the modern world. In addition, it supports classical and historical texts of many written languages.

Features of SurveyManager's multilingual implementation include:

  • Ability to run English plus other language(s)
  • Ability to run other language(s) without English
  • Connection to Google translator
  • Separate logon for translators to write and/or correct non-English language
  • Translation of survey instructions, eg, 'next', 'proceed', etc.
  • Presentation of a menu of questionnaires in your chosen languages
  • Automatic piping based to appropriate language based on stored on locale
  • Multilingual emails.
SurveyManager Translation Screen

SurveyManager Translation Screen

Adding Panel Respondants in SurveyManager

Adding Panel Respondants in SurveyManager

Panels and communities

The emergence of the online community has created a new opportunity for collecting meaningful and consistent feedback. While many associate the term community with social networking communities, like MySpace® and Facebook, companies and government agencies have used the concept to create online communities of interest consisting of key stakeholders such as customers, constituents, employees, and partners.

These communities represent an enormous potential for insights and information and the best way to realize that potential is to create respondent panels from the community members. The net effect is simple: the organization has at its disposal established groups of its most important stakeholders, profiled and ready to respond to surveys. The cost of building these panels is roughly equal to the cost of one market research project, but the panel is available for regular, consistent, and ongoing feedback.

The benefits of establishing your own panel become obvious over time. Aside from being highly cost effective the main benefits are:

  • Immediate access to an already signed up group of clients/stakeholders; no invitation costs for each survey, or the need to purchase names (one a panel is established).
  • Shorter research cycles from questionnaire design to deployment (faster answers);
  • Physical evidence that your organisation has a research process to engage their stakeholders; and
  • Increased loyalty and appreciation from panel members in being consulted generating good PR and positive word of mouth.
Learn more

Features of online & telephone panel management module

  • Create a registration page for panel membership to collect standard registration details as well as tailored registration questions asking anything you like.
  • Associate questions with a particular panel (so that all data is connected to that panel).
  • Let people join the panel online using the double opt-in feature.
  • Import lists of people into the panel.
  • Customize the management portal.
  • See statistics on the overall panel.
  • See participation statistics for individual surveys.
  • Select members for telephone or online surveys based on demographics and past survey invitations or participation.
  • Specify demographic quotas when selecting a sample.
  • Combine demographic and other panel data with answers to new surveys.
  • View and edit individual members' data.
  • See individual members' survey participation.
  • Flag members as inactive automatically or individually.
  • Assign incentive points for complete surveys or survey pages.
  • Draw prize winners from among members completing a survey.
  • Use a page template and appearance options to make the portals match your site's appearance.
  • Use different styles for the administrative and member portals.
  • Run multiple panels at once.
  • Combine panels and add ad hoc respondent lists to the same survey.
Panel Profile Question setup in SurveyManger

Panel Profile Question setup in SurveyManger

Manage complex and multiple relationships

Manage complex and multiple relationships

Multi-rater/360° feedback for employees

SurveyManager has been purpose built to manage the complex and multiple relationships that are created by this type of survey. It was used in one application to manage 4,000 subjects x 4,000 raters globally and simultaneously.

Load employee names and emails directly from your payroll. One of the biggest administrative loads in multi-rater surveying is loading respondents and role relationships. Survey Manager comes with a self-loading respondent interface (really a mini-survey) so this workload is spread to individuals rather than the HR department.

Questions can be phrased differently for selves (subjects) versus others and Survey Manager keeps precise track of who has/has not done what and when in terms of giving feedback.

The collection of all forms of data and information is a core activity
of any government or business enterprise.

We all need to continuously gather information from our employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders.

So why not do it properly? Why not obtain this information in a format which you can use instantly and connect to your employee, customer, supplier and stakeholder business processes?

Survey Manager is an integrated, end-to-end application for managing your total data collection requirements. It is the only survey/forms software designed to manage the complete survey process for large organisations from hundreds to many thousands of respondents.