Technology tools
ASR has developed its own SurveyManager software platform. We also offer technical services to create interfaces from SurveyManager to your HRIS, CRM, financial or other systems. SurveyManager can also be customised to manage survey workflow, such as bulk loading of respondents or auto-generation of specialised reports.
Survey Manager is the information platform which underpins survey-research bureau, run on our database and web servers housed in a secure 24×7 data centre in Melbourne. From here, we can reach most people online anywhere in the world.
ASR uses several powerful reporting engines to provide repetitive customised clients reports. These can be produced as PDFs or disseminated over the web where each report can be password-protected.
Were appropriate, we use a range of statistical and other reporting tools. Also, we specialise in difficult one-off data collection and reporting assignments, often requiring sophisticated statistical analysis.