October 22, 2013
Rail Corp

RailCorp, NSW

ASR conducted an internal customer satisfaction survey for RailCorp Property Division. RailCorp runs the CBD and regional train network in the greater Sydney area. The division provides a range of services to RailCorp including facilities maintenance, accommodation planning, access, property acquisition and disposal as well as land information and property […]
October 22, 2013
Port of Melbourne

Port of Melbourne customer satisfaction survey

PoMC engaged Australian Survey Research to conduct a satisfaction survey of its larger customers across a range of segments including organisations working in the port such as stevedores, freight forwarders and transport companies as well as cargo owners’ peak body representatives. The research study focused on perceptions of PoMC’s commercial […]
October 22, 2013

Australian Information Industry Association

This was an investigation of members’ perceptions about a proposed merger between AIIA and AEEMA and the value that membership of each association provided its member companies. It was a delicate political exercise which required informing members of what was happening before eliciting their views on a possible merger. ASR […]
October 22, 2013
Royal ANZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Royal ANZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

We have just completed a workforce study of fellows, retired fellows and trainees in Australia and New Zealand. This was conducted on paper and on the web and involved analysis of current and future practice options as well as a one week log of activities. We have also completed a […]
October 21, 2013
Road freight transport industry

WorkSafe Road freight transport industry, business survey

The primary objective of the research was to obtain baseline data in the road freight transport industry on the knowledge of PCBUs’ obligations in regards to work health & safety (WHS), workers compensation (W/Comp) and injury management (IM). Research was conducted using a web survey and it gathered feedback on […]
October 21, 2013
Beef cattle

WorkCover Sheep and beef cattle industry, business survey

The primary objective of the research was to obtain baseline data in the sheep and beef cattle industry on the knowledge of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs’) obligations in regards to work health & safety (WHS), workers compensation (W/Comp) and injury management (IM). Research was conducted using a […]
October 21, 2013
Wooden structural components

Wooden structural components manufacturing industry

The primary objective of the research was to obtain baseline data on the knowledge in the wooden structural components manufacturing industry, of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU’s) obligations in regards to work health & safety (WHS), workers compensation (W/Comp) and injury management (IM). Research was conducted using a […]
October 21, 2013
Workplace safety

WorkSafe Health & safety representative survey

The primary objectives of the survey were to explore: why and to what extent workplaces had adopted HSRs. current work health and safety consultation practices. the level of understanding of the HSR role and the impact of HSR training. additional ways WorkCover could support businesses to improve WHS. Survey questions […]
October 21, 2013
WorkSafe Stakeholders

WorkCover Stakeholder survey

WorkCover commissioned Australian Survey Research (ASR) to conduct a survey of a range of stakeholders’ recent interactions with WorkCover. Target survey respondents were people who had interacted with WorkCover across 14 different types of interactions during the period May 2012 to March 2013.The survey was conducted in web and telephone […]